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Have you come up with the best thing since sliced bread? You can win a grant plus mentoring to take your idea to market.
Or join a team inventing solutions for world problems. We need designers, engineers, coders, marketers, finance majors, and CAD-CAM pros.
Open to Bridgeport residents and small businesses, plus students at Fairfield University, Housatonic, Paier, Sacred Heart, and University of Bridgeport.
Kick-off, April 12, 6-8 pm, University of Bridgeport, Dana Hall 107. Dinner provided
Reserve you spot at
Patents. April 13 at 1 p via Zoom. Patents searches; when to file provisional patent, full patent. Zoom:
Meeting ID: 322 360 0800 Passcode: qecV2G
Wednesday, May 1, 6-8 pm, University of Bridgeport Cox Student Center. Dinner
APPLY BY Thursday, May 16. -- Download PPT Application from the link below.
Submit PPT Application to
Finalists will be notified May 20 via email.
FINALS Thursday, May 23, 6-8 pm, Fairfield University, Dolan School of Business, Room 201. Dinner provided. At the finals each innovator will give a 3-minute PowerPoint presentation and answer questions from the judges. Judging criteria:
1. Problem. Solves a real problem; substantiated strong customer pain or desire
2. Solution. Superior or cheaper than alternatives, or serves new market niche
3. Patent Potential(or other strong barrier to copying)
4. Speed to Market. How soon test marketing can commence)
5. Capital Intensity: Funding needed to bring to market
6. Realistic Annual Sales Potential (by year 3)
7. Likelihood product can/will be made in CT
Bonus prizes. 25% cash bonus if applicant has a CT company primed to produce the product.
In addition, one finalist will receive a free 60-sec marketing/explainer video from a local agency.
Eligibility. Concepts must be physical products that can be manufactured in CT, but are not yet in marketplace. Awards may be used for R&D to develop marketable prototype or for marketing
NOTE: Established businesses must be certified as Bridgeport-based. Download certification request from and email to
2024 Spring New Product Entry PPT (pptx)